Sommaire :


The maritime transport priorities according to Windcoop

  • Offer ecological solutions thanks to an innovative and carbon-free energy mix in the prospect of a competitive and ecological maritime transport, which will be resilient facing oil prices variations and upcoming regulatory and environmental restraints.
  • Open shipping lines consistent with identified customer needs.
  • Integrate the local populations of the destinations into the company dynamics (for example through employment, partnership, governance).
  • Offer fair working conditions to the onboard staff (boarding, rotations, salary).
  • Choose goods by giving priority to the organic, ethical or responsible ones, as far as possible without jeopardizing the financial balance of the cooperative.
  • Integrate the existing supply chain by providing an economically viable solution that integrates the merchant navy codes and practices, in order to insert the cooperative into the supply chain without modifying the process on the customer side.
  • Values

    The values ​​we carry loud and clear!



    Windcoop shakes up the established order to improve working conditions and the environmental impact of maritime transport. In this industrial environment made up of well-established multinational players, our offer displays as disruptive. We campaign for a comeback of slowness and a human approach of the profession, and address ports forgotten by mass shipping.



    The transition will not be immediate: we first have to succeed in integrating our difference into the pre-existing functioning. We will proceed in stages because the success of the project will depend on its profitability, in order to keep going. We believe that too radical positioning would endanger the cooperative sustainability, so we must accept to progress step by step towards our objectives.



    We will be the only shipping company made up of thousands of shipowners whose collective intelligence will enable to achieve the common objectives we have set ourselves. We believe that everyone must get involved to bring out a realistic and sustainable model just like the society they want.